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Do's and Don'ts Wig

Maintenance Guide


Shampoo your wig once a week. When doing so, make sure the water is lukewarm. Add the shampoo to the water. Use a wig brush to brush the hair while shampooing it. (Hair MUST be wet). After shampooing the unit, you can also condition it using the same method as shampooing. Then completely rinse all shampoo and/or conditioner out.


Hang or towel dry your wig. If your unit hair texture is curly, hang dry it to ensure your curls elasticity. Straight textures can be air/towel dried or blown dry using a hair dryer.


Always be gentle with your lace when bleaching your wig knots. Make sure your bleach and developer are mixed thick, so the bleach won’t run through the lace. 


We offer virgin hair wigs, which can be colored to your desired look.


Our wigs hair can be curled up to 450 degrees.


Never rub or scrub the hair when shampooing your wig to avoid tangling.


Never use scalding HOT water when shampooing your wig to avoid color fading and drying out the hair.


Never use a small tooth comb when detangling your wig to prevent your lace knots from coming loose or shedding.


Never blow dry your curly textured wigs. This will strip your elasticity.


Never dry your wigs in the sun nor in the clothes dryer.


Never exceed 450 degrees when curling your wig's hair to prevent heat damage.


Never exceed 40 volume when dying your wig's hair. Anything over 40 volume will over-process your wig’s hair and cause breakage, as well as shedding.


Never exceed 30 volume, when bleaching your lace knots. Bleaching lace knots can be tricky. Never mix your bleaching formula loosely.


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